I realize that I have accomplice a lot! But the road have been less than straight.
I have thought a lot about Networking - actually networking have been a big thing in my whole life.

Some of the most important movements have been talking to a good friend of mine "Päron" - we have lived together, started company together - but also been a part of the student union- I have always had a "Alumni" of my own.

We started MacData and Griffel data during the 90th and I sold my shares 2005. We have-not met in a long time. But one of my advantages I that I have no pride - so a called Päron before Christmas. We talked for hours - there are so many good memories.

But we also realized that we have the same values and that politics have changed - some people seems to like to bee "matyrer" and blames the "Fake media". I don't know were we will be but I know that the Sweden Democrats (SD) is not a party for the future - just one question party. They destroy and de-wide were ever they go! What is their politics when it comes to entrepreneurship, climate, companies, school and innovation.
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