Det är 140 svenska företag som har gått med i detta. Jag har under många år följt detta arbete och går kontinuerligt in för att se vilka företag som är med. Det har då visat sig att - en hel del företag har missat att skicka in de papper de har kommit överens att göra.
I dag är det 5 företag som ligger efter med som FN Global Compact kallar det:
"CBG Konsult & Information AB was required to communicate on progress by 2012/02/08. Their COP is now 6 months overdue."
"Uniglas i Vetlanda AB was required to communicate on progress by 2012/06/13. Their COP is now about 1 month overdue."
"Water Company was required to communicate on progress by 2012/05/18. Their COP is now 3 months overdue."
"Camfil Farr was required to communicate on progress by 2012/07/28. Their COP is now 12 days overdue."
"KPA Pension AB was required to communicate on progress by 2012/07/08. Their COP is now about 1 month overdue."
appears next to the company's name, the company is Non-communicating for failing to submit a Communication on Progress by the relevant deadline. If no such icon appears, the company is currently an Active participant."
Det finns all anledning för dessa företag att se till att dessa handlingar når FN Global Compact i annat fall så:
1) "a participant failed to develop a Communication on Progress by the relevant deadline or has not yet provided a link to/description of their Communication on Progress; or"
2) "a participant refuses to engage in dialogue on a matter raised under the Global Compact integrity measures within three months of first being contacted by the Global Compact Office about the matter."
"Companies are required to submit a first COP within one year from the date of joining the Global Compact. All subsequent COPs are due within one year following the previous COP submission."
"Should a company fail to meet a COP submission deadline, it will be marked as “non-communicating”. Companies that have been non-communicating for longer than 12 months will be expelled from the Global Compact."
Visst är det trist att 5 företag inte har klarat att kommunicera och det kan finnas olika anledningar - alla dessa 5 företag har jag personligen kontaktat utan att något hänt på 12 dagar!
MEN att endast 140 företag av Sveriges alla företag endast har ställt sig bakom detta är lite tragiskt!
UN Global Compact
Issue Leadership
- Human Rights
- Labour
- Environment
- Anti-Corruption
- Business and Peace
- Financial Markets
- Business for Development
- UN-Business Partnerships
- Supply Chain Sustainability
Human Rights, are:
The Global Compact's labour principles are derived from the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998):Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
- Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
- Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
- Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
The UN Global Compact’s environment principles are derived from the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.
The three principles are:
The Global Compact Anti-Corruption principle is derived from the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
The COP requirement serves several important purposes:
- advance transparency and accountability;
- drive continuous performance improvement;
- safeguard the integrity of the UN Global Compact and the United Nations; and
- help build a growing repository of corporate practices to promote dialogue and learning.
All business participants are required to post their COP on the Global Compact website and to share it widely with their stakeholders.
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