What is going so well - you maybe think?
*. Legal slavery. Countries where forced labor is legal or practiced by the state (out of 194).
* Oil spills. 1.000 ton oil spilled from tanker ships. 636 (1979) to 6.
* Expensive Solar Panels. Average price of PV modules (USD/Wp) 66USD (1976) to 0.6 USD
*. HIV infections. New HIV infections per million people. 549 (1996) to 241.
* Children dying. Present dying before their fifth birthday. 44% (1800) to 4% (2016)
*. Battle deaths. Battle death per 100.000 people. 201 (1942) to 1 (2016)
*. Death penalty. Countries with death penalty (of 194). 193 (1863) to 89 (2016)
*. Leaded Gasoline. Countries allowing lead in gasoline (of 194). 193 (1986) to 3 (2017)
*. Plane crash deaths. Deaths per 10 billion passengers miles (5-years average)).
2.100 (1929-33) to 1 (2012-16)
*. Child labor. Share of children aged 5 - 14 who work full time under bad conditions.
28% (1950) to 10% (2012)
*. Deaths from disasters. 1.000 deaths/year. (10-year average) 971 (1930) to 72 (2010-16)
*. Nuclear arms. 1000s of nuclear war heads. 64 (1986) to 15 (2017)
*. Smallpox. Countries with smallpox cases (of 194). 148 (1850) to 0 1979.
*. Smoke particles. Kg SO2 particles emitted per person. 38 kg (1970) to 14 kg (2010)
* Ozone depletion. 1.000 tons ozone-depleting substances. 1.663 (1970) to 22 (2016)
*. Hunger. Share of people undernourished. 28% (1970) to 11% (2013)
*. New movies. Number of new feature films per year. 1 (1906) to 11.000 (2016)
*. Protected nature. Share of Earth´s land surface protected as national parks and other reserves.
0.03% (1900) to 14.7% (2016)
*. Women's right to vote. Countries with right for women and men to vote (out of 194).
1 (1893) to 193 (2017).
*. New music. New music recordings per year. 1 (1860) to 6.210.002 (2015)
*. Science. Scholary articles publishes per year. 119 (1665) to 2.550.000 (2016)
* Harvest. Cereal yield (thousand kg per hectare). 1.4 (1963) to 4 (2014)
*. Literacy. Share of adults (15+) with basic skills to read and write. 10% (1800) to 86% (2016).
* Child cancer survival. 5 year survival of those diagnosed before age 20, with best treatment.
58% ( 1975) to 80% (2010)
*. Monitored species. Listed species with assessed treat-status. 34 (1959) to 87.967 (2017)
*. Electricity coverage. Share of people with some access to electricity. 72% (1991) to 85% (2014)
*. Mobile phones. Share of people with a cellphone. 0.0003% (1980) to 65% (2017)
*. Water. Share of people with water from protected source. 58% (1980) to 88% (2015)
*. Internet. Share of people using the internet. 0% (1980) 48% (2017)
*. Immunization. Share of 1-year olds who got at least one vaccination. 22% (1980) to 88% (2016)
Source: "FACTFULNESS - Ten Reasons We´re wrong about the world - and why things are better than you think" by Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Rönnlund.
"One of the most important books I've ever read - an indispensable guide to thinking clearly about the world" by Bill Gates
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